The Trades Council maintains fraternal/sororial relations with a range of organisations in the labour movement. Predominantly our links are with trade unions, a number of whose branches are affiliated to us, but we also maintain affiliations ourselves to several democratic and campaigning organisations, and we support and publicise the work of a number of other organisations.
Trade Unions
Trades Union Congress and Northern Region TUC
Unite – Amicus Sector Unite – TGWU Sector
Is your union here? If not, then maybe your branch isn't affiliated.
Our Affiliations
Tyne & Wear County Association of Trades Union Councils
Newcastle & Gateshead TUC Centre Against Unemployment
Tyne & Wear Anti-Fascist Association
Tyne & Wear May Day Committee
Christmas Dance for Peace and Solidarity
Peoples Press Printing Society - publishers of the Morning Star
Campaign Against Euro-Federalism
Other Organisations
The Trades Council is not affiliated to the following organisations, but it does broadly support their aims: