Welcome to the home page of Newcastle upon Tyne Trades Union Council – known, more colloquially, as “Newcastle TUC”, “Newcastle Trades Council” or simply “The Trades Council”. This web site is under development and we shall gradually be adding more material to it as time progresses.
The Trades Council is the link between the trade union movement and the wider community in the City of Newcastle. We are registered with the Trades Union Congress - TUC for short – and act as its local body, supporting and working for its objects while taking our own initiative on matters of concern to trade unionists locally.
The Trades Council has a proud history of campaigning work, dating back to its foundation in 1873. Our single most important job is to support and defend our fellow workers in struggle – primarily in the local area but also nationally and internationally as and when solidarity is required. We are resolutely opposed to all forms of discrimination and oppression, and campaign vigorously against unemployment, racism, fascism and imperialist wars.
In 1986, with support from the wider trade union movement, we acquired our own city-centre building [show photo] at 4 Cloth Market. This houses the Newcastle and Gateshead TUC Centre Against Unemployment , which acts in part as the campaigning arm of the Trades Council, working with and fighting for the interests of the unwaged. The building has become a focus for labour movement activity in the City and is available as a base during industrial disputes.
The Trades Council is a democratic organisation, based on delegates elected from affiliatedtrade union branches, shops, chapels and shop stewards committees. The range of our activities is indicated in our Annual Report. Our forthcoming meetings are listed at the left, together with any other important labour movement events. If you, or your organisation would like to learn more about our work, then please contact us to provide further information or a speaker.